Hello World and hello to all Delegations! Welcome to Pittsburgh. We congratulate Matthew with his victory and he is the host of the 187th Edition. Especially for SongVision he made a video. You definately want to see this…

Welcome to Pittsburgh

We open the show with a special performance of the winner of last Edition.

Winner Edition-186

We welcome the 15 performers of the new Edition. Less than last Edition, but no less quality! Let’s meet them in order of performance…

1. South Africa-A Year On Earth – Heaven’s door
2. Croatia-Mia Dimšić – Ovaj grad
3. The Netherlands-Delain – Suckerpunch
4. Spain-Vetusta Morla – 23 de Junio
5. Czech Republic-Lenka Dusilová & Baromantika – Baromantická
6. Ireland-LYRA – Falling
7. Greece-Malu – Ores aixmis
8. Serbia-Zeljko Joksimovic – Menjaj Pesmu
9. United States-One Republic – Rescue me
10. Mali-Tinariwen – Sastanàqqàm
11. Ukraine-ANIMA BAND – Zorya
12. Bulgaria-NI.co – Samo na dumi
13. Costa Rica-Patterns – We can be the fire
14. Australia-Ziggy Alberts – Laps around the sun
15. Denmark-Medina – Elsk Mig

After wathing the video’s you can send your voting forms ’till Monday 1st of July 21:00 CET (9 p.m.) We wish you all the best of luck!
