As mentioned in our previous post it’s currently impossible to publish the results in our usual way. It’s taken a lot of time to find an alternative and due to time restrictions in the messages following you’ll see the results as sent in by every player, in random order. Of course we hope that for the next round it will be back to normal..

Our first voter is Gerbert:

12 points: Serbia
10 points: Romania
8 points: Mexico

7 points: Kazakhstan
6 points: Israel
5 points: Colombia
4 points: Spain
3 points: United Kingdom
2 points: Estonia
1 point: Denmark

Our second voter is Michiel:

12 points: United States
10 points: Mexico
8 points: Romania

7 points: Kazakhstan
6 points: Puerto Rico
5 points: Israel
4 points: Hungary
3 points: Spain
2 points: Serbia
1 point: Canada

Our third voter is Jeroen:

12 points: The Netherlands
10 points: Spain
8 points: United Kingdom

7 points: Italy
6 points: United States
5 points: Puerto Rico
4 points: Romania
3 points: Hungary
2 points: Kazachstan
1 point: Serbia

Let’s have a quick look at the current standings:

Romania is currently in the lead with 22 points, closely followed by Mexico and the USA both with 18 points. Kazakhstan and Serbia complete the top 5 with respectively 16 and 15 points.

At bottom of the scoreboard we find Czech Republic, Sweden and Norway who are still pointless.

Time to go to the next three voting lists!


Our fourth voter is Ben:

12 points: Canada
10 points: Mexico
8 points: Estonia

7 points: Hungary
6 points: United States
5 points: Denmark
4 points: Puerto Rico
3 points: Norway
2 points: Kazakhstan
1 point: Sweden

Next up is Romeo, our fifth voter:

12 points: Mexico
10 points: Estonia
8 points: Denmark

7 points: Romania
6 points: Norway
5 points: Kazakhstan
4 points: Czech Republic
3 points: Netherlands
2 points: Italy
1 point: Spain

The sixth voter is Conny:

12 points: USA
10 points: UK
8 points: Czech Republic

7 points: Puerto Rico
6 points: Hungary
5 points: Spain
4 points: Colombia
3 points: Denmark
2 points: Israel
1 point: Netherlands

We’re more than half way, let’s see the full scoreboard as it is right now!

In running order:

1. United Kingdom 21p
2. Serbia 15p
3. Colombia 9p
4. Denmark 17p
5. Kazakhstan 23p
6. United States 36p
7. Mexico 40p
8. Canada 13p
9. Israel 13p
10. Romania 29p
11. Hungary 20p
12. Czech Republic 12p
13. Italy 9p
14. The Netherlands 16p
15. Sweden 1p
16. Estonia 20p
17. Puerto Rico 22p
18. Norway 9p
19. Spain 23p

Mexico has taken over the lead, followed by the USA. Romania is in 3rd position now. Kazakhstan and Spain both have 23 points and are currently 4th and 5th. All countries have received points!

Time for three more voters:

The seventh voter is Nick:

12 points: Czech Republic
10 points: Hungary
8 points: Spain

7 points: Mexico
6 points: Colombia
5 points: Denmark
4 points: Norway
3 points: Israel
2 points: Sweden
1 point: The Netherlands

Our eighth voter is Juan:

12 points: Italy
10 points: Romania
8 points: Puerto Rico

7 points: Israel
6 points: Mexico
5 points: Colombia
4 points: Kazakhstan
3 points: Norway
2 points: Serbia
1 point: Czech Republic

Our ninth voter is Jacco:

12 points: Mexico
10 points: Denmark
8 points: Netherlands

7 points: UK
6 points: Colombia
5 points: USA
4 points: Italy
3 points: Sweden
2 points: Serbia
1 point: Hungary

Before we go to the last two voters, it’s time to have a final look at the current ranking. This is our top 5:

1 Mexico 65p
2 USA 41p
3 Romania 39p
4 Denmark 32p
5 Hungary/Spain 31p

Exactly 24 points between the number one and two, with two voters to go. How is this going to end?

Voter #10 is Desirée:

12 points: United Kingdom
10 points: Mexico
8 points: Denmark

7 points: Serbia
6 points: Czech Republic
5 points: Italy
4 points: Norway
3 points: Colombia
2 points: Netherlands
1 point: Sweden

The last points of tonight come from Ron:

12 points: USA
10 points: UK
8 points: Hungary

7 points: Czech Republic
6 points: Canada
5 points: Mexico
4 points: Romania
3 points: Serbia
2 points: Colombia
1 point: Estonia

We have a winner, congratulations!

Below you will find the full result, still in draw order, followed by the number of points and position.  Please don’t spoil the results, as usual!

1. United Kingdom 50p, 3rd
2. Serbia 29p, 12th
3. Colombia 31p, 8th
4. Denmark 40p, 5th
5. Kazakhstan 27p, 14th
6. United States 53p, 2nd
7. Mexico 80p, 1st
8. Canada 0p*, 19th
9. Israel 23p, 15th
10. Romania 43p, 4rd
11. Hungary 39p, 6th
12. Czech Republic 38p, 7th
13. Italy 30p, 10th
14. The Netherlands 27p, 13rd
15. Sweden 7p, 18th
16. Estonia 21p, 16th
17. Puerto Rico 30p, 11th
18. Norway 10p, 17th
19. Spain 31p, 9th

Entries for edition 91 can be sent until next Monday 20 October, 21.00 pm.