Good evening, good morning, hello World! We have some fresh results from Madrid for the 199th Edition. Before we reveal the scores we have a big surprise for the last Edition is 2019.
Here are the rules for the Jubilee edition SV-200:
You can do 3 entries, instead of 2.
1 of the 3 entries must contain a former participant of SongVision. You can earn a lot of points for each entry in this last Edition, but the bonus points for songs, sung in other languages than English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, expires from now on. Here is the list of rewardings:
For every Bonus Poule Entry: 1 point
For every 6th – 10th place: 2 points
5th place: 3 points
4th place: 4 points
3rd place: 5 points
2nd place: 7 points
1st place: 10 points
2 countries in the top-3: 15 bonus points
3 countries in the top-3: 20 bonus points
Submitting entries ’till 26th of december 23:59 CET. (11:59 pm)
Votes 27-12-2019 ’till 6-1-2020 21:00 CET. (9 pm)
We wish you the best of luck next Edition ….
Here are the results …