Rules of this Game
SongVision is an online music video contest based on music from different continents.
During the year 8 editions will be organized with lot’s of great music!
In the first weeks you submit 1-4 songs with video links with songs from countries from different continents.
After the deadline all the video’s will be published on the website.
After the launch you can submit your votes. The results will be revealed with a scoreboard link.
The Contest has two rankings based on earned Points and Medals during the year.
Every edition, the Top-5 songs will be rewarded with Scores. The Top-3 will be rewarded with a Bronze, Silver or Golden medal.
There are also a Bonus Points to earn.
All Scores and Medals will be counted and published at the website with a Score and Medal table.
At the end of the year we’ll count all the scores and announce the winning Player of the Year.
Every new year we‘ll start a new ranking.
All historical medals are counted and published on the Wall of Fame.
The draw for the running order and voting order will be randomized by a draw program.
A. For every Edition there is a minimum of 4 players needed.
B. The limit is 8 players with a maximum of 32 songs in every Edition.
C. If there are more than 8 players, everyone plays with max. 3 songs.
A. The names of the Players and the Countries you can play with are mentioned on the Countries and Players page.
B. There are no preferred countries.
C. You only can with 1 Big-5 country at the same Edition. (USA, China, Russia, Canada and Australia.
D. Requests and/or suggestions of new regions can be made in the ‘comment section’ of the Entry form.
E. The names and flags of the chosen countries will be published on the frontpage. The time of arrival of the entry counts. There are no rights in case of (technical) delays.
A. All artists can be checked at the Artist index.
B. Has to be alive. Written songs by deceased artists are permitted.
C. Originally born OR parents who were born there.
D. From mother countries of special areas (see players and countries page)
E. Can be submitted only once each Edition. (in any combination)
F. Every vocal must be traceable on Google / Wikipedia. If there are any doubts entries can be rejected.
E. DJ’s are an exception. Their nationality can be used for your entry if the vocalist(s) on the track are not known.
A. The song and/or videoclip must be no older than the year 2000.
B. Videoclips has a limitation of 6 minutes.
C. Must contain vocals with a minimum of 1 couplet or refrain.
D. Songs are free of language. Imaginairy languages are allowed too. As long as you can hear vocals, the song will be accepted.
E. Not permitted: Medleys, Eurovision Entries (parodies/covers) and instrumental tracks.
F. Any versions of formal submitted songs of SongVision are not allowed. (check the Artists index)
G. Covers are allowed, but AI not!
H. Eurovision Song Contest entries, parodies and covers of them are not allowed.
I. Preselection entries from the current Eurovision year are allowed IF the song hasn’t been announced as the Eurovision entry yet during the Edition.
J. All the Editions will be published on the YouTube Channel.
A. Go to ‘New Entry’ to submit your YouTube video which can be embedded.
B. Check if the video has an embed code. If not? Check if there’s an alternative video.
C. When a video has been deleted give us a sign for an alternative link.
D. It’s your responsibility to submit valid entries. We will do a validation check at last on Monday after the deadline. Changes can be made after our request.
A. We need your Top-16. The best 12 songs will be rewarded by 20,17,14,12,10,8,6,5,4,3,2 and 1. The 4 substitutes will be mentioned as 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th. We need them in case someone has forgotten to vote.
B. You’re not able to vote for your own countries.
C. If we haven’t received the voting form on time, scores will be reversed after the results, rewarded with nil (0).
D. Only active players can submit a voting form every Edition.
E. Votes can be send to songvisionbestuur @ songvision . nl (without spaces)
A. As soon as the results will be published in the post of the current edition. After the name you can see (UPD*)
B. If there is a tie we first count the amount of votes from most juries. If there is still a tie we will count the most highest marks from 20-17-14-12-10 -8 and so on from 6 to 1. If there is still a tie we declare more winners.
The winner has the right to choose the name of the host city including an video’s. (For instance live performances or City tours). This information can be submitted by the ‘New Entry’ form. Mention the name of the host city in the comment section. The scoreboard will be made by the editors. If there are technical issues with the Scoreboard we will reveal the results on a list from the lowest score ’till the hightest’.
All song titles, results, winners and medals will be saved at the History section. Click on our YouTube Channel to watch historical entries.
Play it fair and be polite on Social Media. Players can be warned or disbarred by the Editors.
Terms and Rewards 2025
For 2025 the scoring has slightly changed.
It’s up to you to decide if you play with 1-2-3 or 4 countries. If you play with 1 or 2 countries, the scores are higher if the song end up in the top-3 compared to 3 and/or 4 countries. However … the more countries you play with, the more more chance!
During 2025 there will be 5 Editions. Every Edition the terms will be mentioned on the frontpage. The Rewards of 2024 are below.

Terms and Rewards 2024
For 2024 a new style of scoring will be used. The more songs you submit, the more chance!
It’s up to you to decide if you play with 1-2-3 or 4 countries. You can play the game tactically on your own way. The more countries you play with, the more more chance! (see below)
During the year there will be 8 Editions. 4 Editions in winter and spring and 4 Editions in late Summer and Fall. (see below)
After the deadlines the new editions and/or results will be published in 1-2 days.